All posts filed under: relationships

Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure Click here to see more photos. Trackbacks & Pingbacks Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure | Journeyman Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure | Basically Beyond Basic Treasure (Weekly Photo Challenge) | Icezine Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure | Flickr Comments The Northern Lights Cathedral & Sami Clothing | Cardinal Guzman WordPress weekly photo challenge, treasure | Can’t Forget To Remember… | Steve Says…. Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure #shotwithmyphone | Captured With My Phone, iPhoneography Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure | Stephen Chapman My.Vivid.Visions | Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure – Memory of Culture Weekly Photo Challenge – Treasure | Chittle Chattle My Greatest Treasure | Broken Light: A Photography Collective My treasure | MyBlog – solaner Dirty Air Insults My Intelligence | Bumblepuppies Weekly Photo Challenge – Treasure | Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure | For the Archives Weekly Photo Challenge – Treasure – Liber | Weekly Photo Challenge – Treasure | Just Snaps Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure | castelsarrasin In the Name of Faith: Treasures | Lost in Translation WPC: Treasure | Books, Music, Photography & Movies : my best …

My Funny Valentine: “It’s something black, sexy, and I can’t wait to see you wearing it,” Said he with a mischievous grin .

“It’s something black, sexy, and I can’t wait to see you wearing it,” Said he with a mischievous grin . Hmmm.  What could it be.  He was giving no more clues or hints or reactions to the multitude of guesses she made as she attempted to find what appeared to be the obvious answer to his riddle.  She knew him much better than that.  The ideas she had in mind were far too easy to be correct.  What kind of scam was he trying to pull on her?  Her wheels were turning as she created a list of possible and plausible answers, given their history together.  This would be their seventeenth Valentines Day together. He laughed hysterically as she rattled of her list of guesses. 1.  A sleeping bag? 2.  A tent? 3.  A little black beret that I can wear while I paint?  I know you’ve told me I need one before.  I don’t even know what you think I look hot in? 4.  I know…something in spandex?  You biker people seem to really …

Be a Man….What is that supposed to mean anyway? If you have boys, the video above is 3 minutes time well spent. Anyone ever told you to just “Be a Man”  How did that make you feel?  What are you supposed to do with that?  Today, I watched a video exactly that topic and how those three simple words can impact our boys and it got me to thinking about my 8 year old son.  What AM I supposed to tell him?  What am I going to say to him that won’t scar him for life.  How do I teach him how to manage his feelings, his anger, his sadness, his joy, his pain, his sorrows, his love for others, how to care, how to respect, how to gain respect from others?  My mind is filled with so many unanswered questions about how to find the best recipe for how to mold a happy, well adjusted human who knows how to deal with emotions when someone pushes his buttons.  I think I have found my topic to write about this week.  Stop back …

No More, “How was your day today?” in This House….We’re Gonna Prove Cosmo Kramer Wrong!

I, Marie Stephens, hereby resolve, to do my darnedest, to never ask my husband, or my children, this question, “How was your day today?” again.  After reading the article by Glennon Melton…link shown below, I will try my personal best, to be more personal about asking questions that truly matter to those I love.  It’s a must read for anyone in any kind of relationship! I am a huge Seinfeld fan.  I miss that show so much!  The clip above is a classic.  It’s Kramer’s opinion on what marriage is like…I hate to say it, but some days, it can feel exactly how he describes it.  I love my family dearly, but some days can feel so monotonous, and the habitual question….”How was your day today? “, is so impersonal, that it is hard to sum up the day in one answer….so…..we end up answering with, “Fine”.  But what is fine?  Wasn’t there an Aerosmith song about that?  And I don’t think “F.I.N.E.”  was an acronym for anything good. After reading Glennon’s article about this …