All posts filed under: living garden sculptures

Curly Willow Trellis for Vines and Privacy Screen

Did you know you could use dried curly willow branches to make a natural privacy screen? We did this last summer, left it on all winter, and then my husband placed these old plastic containers, that he spray painted this spring, in a row beneath the curly willow branches with flowers and vines planted in them. I just love them! Especially at sunset!

Topiary Lounge Furniture : How I Up-Cycled an Old Victorian Love Seat into a Living Garden Sculpture Using the Best Perennial Groundcover Plants in the Midwest

The time had come to make a decision, either get rid of the beloved love seat, or do the one big thing that had been on my horticultural bucket list for the past 10 years..Turn the love seat into a live Topiary sculpture.  I was up to the challenge.  After all, how hard could it be?  I had a 7 month old baby,  and a Kindergartener. I needed something to do in between naps, diaper changes, school pick ups and drop offs anyway right? So why not?