All posts tagged: garden jokes

Just One Bite?

Stop to find the forgotten few beneath the weeds like hidden jewels. Red, rose, yellow and green The most luscious fruits I’ve ever seen. They look glorious and plump from above. Fresh tomatoes I do so love. Stop to gather all the loot bend down and look to find the shoot From which to gently pry away My delectable prize for the day. Getting closer, drawing near Whiteflies fluttering around my ears. I’m so close, I can nearly taste it That beautiful tomato must not be wasted. The hunt is over, I’m ready to strike. Pruners at the ready, Grocery bag at my side. Stop for a moment. Remember the story of all it took to go from seed, to sprout, to flower, to fruit. So take one last look and remember the story while you stare at this fruit in all it’s glory. Mental picture taken. Pride has been gathered. There’s no mistakin’ This plant looks quite tattered. But dammit, we started this thing from a seed and we got it to make fruit …